Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Letting the light in

The tubelight flickered. It seemed to be in a dilemma about going off or staying on.

The room was dimly lit and small. It was not shabby but it was not neat either. Magazines lay scattered on the bed. There was a dressing table by its side with an assortment of hair clips, cosmetics and accessories to transform Preethi from a sleepy eyed girl with shabby hair into a chic, modern, pretty woman.

By the dressing table, there was a closet in which she stacked all her clothes. On the hangers, there were clothes that she planned to wear in the near future. In the shelves, she had stuffed those that were possible candidates for being worn by her, but just not yet. They were the ones in the waiting list. 

There was a study table too. This one had a few text books. Some random papers lay scattered. There was a big coffee mug too large for a normal person to drink from. She had put in all the free pens and pencils in it. She rarely used them, but she could use them some day, like Mr.Heckles used to say.

By the window, she had a foldable chair. Her coat was unceremoniously discarded on it along with a few stuffed toys. But there was a pair of cushions, if she was too lazy to clear the chair and wanted to sit by the window. Her iron box was on the floor near the chair. Sometimes when she was in a hurry, she just used one of the heavy books to smoothen the ruffled shirt.

The tubelight blinked again. She was getting irritated with it now. She heard an alert from her mobile. She had a new email. She opened it in her laptop. It was from him. The usual stories. It was clearly not going to work out. The tubelight went off.

She closed his mail and replied to her mom's email - she was ready, she said.

She walked from the bed and opened the window.

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