Friday, February 26, 2010

Just another stone to turn...

When ur mood is bad...
everything seems sad....
get out from there...
lets trade confidence for ur fears..
smiles for ur tears...

The dismal streak will fade...
ur logic will be defied...
as u walk farther...
u'll c things r gonna b better...
say the name of ur saviour...
and cross that barrier...

just another stone to turn..
just an another hour to pass...
just another pain to heal...
just a pandora's box to seal...

take a breath...
take that stride...
keep ur faith
n hope by ur side...
miracles are urs...
n not only for big boys...
life n love are ours
so get up n make some noise

don't wait for heroes from skies...
don't listen to those pretty lies..
make a wish...pick a lane...
u r smart n u r sane...
don't look back...
don't think of pain...
there's nothing u lack...
n lots to gain!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The office satire

In he walks, brisk n fast
I wonder, "practising for march past?"
"hellooo...good morning", he cooes to us
I think.."hmm...good mood? wats the fuss?
Well it is 12, you are late by quite a while!"
I say"good morning..", and fake a smile.

The naughty imp in me...
With 2 horns n a tail,
n d tongue of d devil
a satiric grin, n an arch of eyebrows...
shoots words like arrows...

"he is a big disgrace...
nobody likes his face...
drunken by power...he plays many a trick...
the sight of him makes ppl sick"

I shudder n exclaim
"hey imp, get outta my head!
no venom..!"
but boss does something instead
n lights up the ticking bomb!

A mail hits my inbox
"God, thats from him!
Cmon this all you do...?
Oh, While u'r at it, talk some sense too..."
"almost lunchtime..he'll go away..
my favourite time of day
What's for lunch? manure?"
I chide myself n reply, "sure sure"

There goes the naughty imp in me...

"he throws catchy phrases...
quotes virtues to win corporate races...
asks me to work is all I do...
acting smart is wat he does"

I shudder n exclaim
"hey imp, get outta my head!
no venom..!"
but boss does something instead
n lights up the ticking bomb!

Cigregrets...the stick at stake

gals complain...
friends scold..
parents chide..
but I don abide..
My heart yearns..
n my cigar still burns..

fire at one end...
the fool at the other
my dear cigar
u smell sweet
wen I light u
u ask me why I burn u
if I think u r sweet
i hav bin thro lots of turns
My hearts twists and moans
Let it find it's sojourn
in ur vapours - a balm..
U r my saviour
n yet, U r the devil
So u shall burn
and so will I...