Saturday, May 7, 2011

Moon Dance

I Was once
Up in the moon

I made an abode for two

I ploughed the backyard land

With a glowing unicorn

I planted your memories

To sprout an orchard of trees

Is there

Some time you’ve got

Let's fly there in a Pegasus driven cart

Until you need to rest

Let's dance in twinkling stardust

From the moon-grown orchard of mine

Let's savor the fruits divine


boo_suki said...

i jus lved tis moon dancee was mind blowin ... everyy line was gud .. i dont knw wat to pick out ... but the words still ringin in my head is .."Let's fly there in a Pegasus driven cart"....... lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

bala said...

even i loved moon is a short version of one my old song.....which we didnt put in the blog

Preethi said...

awesome! full of magical mysteries and twinkling thoughts :)

bala said...

thanks thanks :)