Thursday, June 24, 2010

The "One" Way

This poem is just a reflection of the struggle that usually goes on in my mind(It keeps giving me diametrically opposite cues on what to do)...and what I did one fine day :)

Switch it on
Switch it off

Do it now
Put it off

Make the call
Oh not now

Do the shopping

Send the mail
What if I don't?

Do something
Just lie down

Go meet people
Just gather wool

I am not a fool
I am not clever

I can do this...
Was I dreaming?

Aww...Shut up!
Yep..that's the word.

One thought, am sticking to it
One plan, no more changes

No more fight
Even if I am not right!


Unknown said...

nice one.. :)

Unknown said...

2 sides of coin....well said...

Bharath said...

kadasi line.. Lollu dhaana..:)

Soundarya said...

thank u all....n thanks juju..of course lollu dan ;)